I can’t say I have ever been more excited to receive junk mail! It usually goes straight into the recycling bin but today it was put to the perfect use!
I have been itching to get out into my garden but Chicago being Chicago, it is still too cold to really get going with outdoor seeds and with the rain we have had this week they would have been washed away anyway. So I like to start my seeds indoors and today was the day. I had my seed packets ready a bag of good compost but no seed trays.

I could have gone out and bought some of those plastic ones but I couldn’t face battling with the traffic just to buy some plastic junk so I turned to good old you tube to see if anyone had a video of making a suitable pot out of paper. I struck gold with this video.
The guy used regular letter paper to make his pots but I used bits of newspaper the same size and junk flyers. I even made one from a large envelope. They just take a few folds and you have a perfect little container to start your seeds. The best thing is when they are ready to plant out you just put the whole thing in the soil. No need to disturb those delicate roots. The paper will just rot away.

I used a old baking tray to hold my pots and really squashed them together so if there is any paper degradation they will support each other. I even wrote on each container what I had planted in them. Result!

Now fingers crossed I actually get some seeds to germinate and eventually get to the point, weather wise, that they might survive in the outdoors!
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