At the start of the year I decided to have a go at a Doodle a day challenge where each day I drew to a prompt and uploaded my effort to Instagram.
I selected a color scheme of soft purples, blues and grays and doodled away.
It was strange what popped out of my head and a little white cat kept making appearances. Funny thing is, I much more of a dog person than one of those “cat ladies”!
So with the challenge over I thought I’d share my doodles with you

Do you see what I mean by that cat!
To embrace that little feline friend even more I used my doodles of him to create a repeat pattern fabric which I entered in this weeks Spoonflower Challenge of Yellow and Gray. These are the Pantone colors of the year and quite frankly I am not a fan, so I thought with such a miserable color combo I should design something fun and whimsical.
He is available on Spoonflower and Redbubble
Love from
Creative in Chicago