It seems my most popular posts on this blog are those relating to coastal decor and those which offer free downloads.
Today my lovely readers I am offering you both!
Get ready to make this beautiful piece of string art, the perfect wall art for any coastal decor themed room. I made this back in 2012 but never really shared how I did it, until now!

You will need
- 2′ x 2′ wooden board – a simple Home Depot purchase
- 2′ x 2′ thin quilt batting
- Enough white fabric to cover the board
- #18 3/4″ zinc nails
- Selection of threads in blue, greens and purples
- My free String Art Template
To print out the template you will want to select POSTER from the setting in Acrobat Reader ( for more detailed instruction see this link).

This will print the template out to size on multiple pieces of paper. Tape the pages together to create to entire design.
Prepare your board by covering in the quilt batting and topping off with the white fabric. Wrap around the edges and secure on the back. A staple gun works well for this. If you prefer you can paint your board white but the fabric approach gives a nice soft finish with no scruffy edges.
Lay the template on your board and start nailing in your nails wherever you see a dot. When you have added all your nails simple tear the template off.

Then take your threads and start wrapping in a very random fashion I created a color gradient going from green/blue to purple /blue.

Love from
Creative in Chicago