I have not shared any of ChicagoHouse#2 with you yet, save a little glimpse of my efforts in the garden in September when I was making the most of the weather to get some planting beds in order.
But the house is slowly coming together. It takes me ages to decide where to hang things and what furniture should go in what room. Nothing ever “fits” quite like the original room it was purchased or created for!
Our guest bedroom has a little nook where I have put a simple desk and the space above it was crying out for some loveliness. I really liked the look of my driftwood fish in the space, but wanted to pair them with a piece of art. Nothing I already had worked, so I cracked open my chalk pastels and created something new. Can you see why this decor lark is taking me so long!
Here is the finished piece. I was going for an abstract ocean feel.

And here it is framed above the desk with my driftwood fish pair.

For a little extra coastal decor flair, I filled two glass vases with rope – dollar store cheapo stuff I already had. It is simple but effective and adds a nice touch of texture.

I have loads of little projects on the go and will probably get ChicagoHouse#2 done just in time to move again!
Love from
Creative in Chicago