Miss Chicago was back in town for the Christmas break and made good use of my lovely new kitchen – she loves to bake. This is the third house we have lived in since she went to college ( yes, we are nomads!) so that’s three ovens she has had to make friends with. The oven in our lovely Pennsylvania house was a real challenge when it came to making a sponge cake but the oven in Chicago house#2 is excellent. It has produced about a million calories in the last few weeks and now elastic is my best buddy!
I don’t know why I am prattling on like a idiot about ovens, as this recipe for Chocolate Pecan Fudge is made entirely on the stove top, so let me get on with it!
For the fudge
- 8oz Sugar
- 2oz unsalted butter
- 1 can condensed milk
- 1tbsp honey
- 1tsp vanilla extract
- 4oz chocolate chips
- 2oz pecan pieces
For the caramel topping
- 1/2 cup of brown sugar
- 1oz butter
- squirt of lemon juice
- splash of milk
- pecan pieces
Start by greasing an 8in square tin and line the bottom with parchment paper. Into a heavy based pan put the butter, sugar, condensed milk, honey and vanilla. Heat gently until everything melts then bring to a boil. Boil for 6-8 minutes stirring frequently to prevent sticking. Use a candy thermometer to measure the temperature, you want it to reach the soft ball stage so that is 235-240 deg F.
When it has reached this temperature take off the heat and mix in the chocolate chips and pecan pieces. Stir vigorously until the choccy bits are melted. Pour into your prepared tin and let set for about a hour or so.
Then cut into little squares and spread out onto a sheet of parchment.
Now for the yummy caramel topping because lets face it, we want the pancreas to go into overdrive when we eat a piece don’t we!
Into a small pan add all of the ingredients above and melt slowly. Once melted turn up the heat and bring to a boil. No need to stir this one and you want the temperature to reach between 245 and 250 deg F. When it is up to temperature take off the heat and let the bubbles subside for a few minutes. Then spoon a dollop onto each piece of fudge and top with a pecan bit.

Fortunately, for my waistline, I got to sample only a few scraps. The plate was whisked out of the house and driven 500 miles away to Pittsburgh, where is was shared with Miss Chicago’s boyfriend! Did you notice the heart shaped piece?
Love from
Creative in Chicago