Creative Gift Wrapping Ideas

It’s the thought that counts, right? Even the most trivial gifts can be given the luxury treatment by wrapping them beautifully wrapping, adding to the excitement of what’s inside…even if it is a pair of socks (that being said I LOVE getting new socks!)

So here is a quick round up creative gift wrapping techniques that are going to make your gifts look fabulous.

DIY Gift Boxes

These pretty little boxes are made from scrapbooking paper and a video tutorial will show you how to make them. >watch video

Pillow Gift Box

These pillow gift boxes are super easy and quick to make and are a perfect way to wrap small trinkets.> tutorial

Christmas Cracker

A novel way to wrap anything from a lipstick to a packet of sweets > tutorial
gift wrap christmas cracker

Pretty Gift Tag

If you have run out of wrapping paper fear not, your gifts can still look stunning by wrapping in plain paper and adding a pretty gift tag. No gift tags – no problem! This tag and seven other designs can be downloaded here

Happy gift giving!

Love from Creative in Chicago (now living in Pennsylvania)


One thought on “Creative Gift Wrapping Ideas

  1. Gift wrapping is a delightful art that adds an extra layer of thoughtfulness and surprise to any present. It transforms a simple gift into a beautifully presented package, enhancing the anticipation and excitement of the recipient. Whether it’s through intricate designs, elegant ribbons, or personalized touches, gift wrapping showcases the giver’s care and creativity, making the moment of unwrapping a truly special experience.

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