The horse chestnut tree in my garden has been dropping it’s gorgeous shiny conkers all week and as beautiful as they are “au naturel “,
…I thought it would be fun to go to town with a white paint Sharpie and see what I could come up with!
The hardest part of this endeavor was getting the ink or “paint” to start flowing in my pen. After a good shake, things started flowing and there was no stopping me. Simple bold graphical patterns seemed to work best.
Piled on a simple white plate they make a stunning center piece for a fall table.
They almost look like really fancy chocolate truffles!
Love from
Creative in Chicago
p.s A big shout out to Mr Chicago House whose hands are modeling the conkers, and even graciously changed his shirt to accommodate my photo shoot. Miss Chicago teen would usually have been roped into this but she is off at college!
Fun post. Didn’t know what conker were but they are beautiful especially artfully painted!