Dear Chicago House,
I have been doing some house keeping on Creative in Chicago this week, and it seems only when looking back on past posts themes pop up. In the past we have had coastal decor projects, string and rope projects, to name just a couple.
One of my more recent obsessions have been using sharpies, so today here is a fun round up.
Make your Own Fabric
I have not one but two tutorials on how to make your own fabric, with a handy deign chart. Check them HERE and HERE

Create a Driftwood Fish
This fun little fish was made using a paint sharpie, lots of ideas for different fish HERE
Cool Zentangle Coasters
Full instructions on how to make these colorful coasters HERE
Pretty Sharpie Shells
Even dull boring shells can look stunning with a bit of Sharpie action >> HERE
Free Greeting Card
Download this greetings card…suitable for anyone and whenever!