Dear Chicago House,
I have really enjoyed my travels this summer (a trip to the UK and another to PA) but it has meant the few planters I have in my garden were a little worse for wear when I returned. Lack of frequent watering and dead heading meant a sad and sorry display. They are not worthy of a photograph, believe me.
Instead lets take a peak around my Mum and Dad’s garden in Wales
My Mum is queen of container gardening with fabulous pots in every nook and cranny
And she does not shy away from using usual containers…love this black kettle and the way the ivy is “attacking”
Any guesses what these containers are?
They are coal scuttles.
And who says a bird house can’t have a pink rose garden and hanging basket?
Their garden always gives me such inspiration … now I just have to get my act together and act on some of my ideas.
Love from
Creative in Chicago