Mission accomplished, my String Art project is complete (read about the progress here)
Here is my SEA & SAND stringtabulous creation

I used crochet and regular sewing thread in blues and greens and purples and wrapped in a very random fashion but created a color gradient going from green/blue to purple /blue. The wrapping took about 3 hours.
Although I have decided that the art work is destined for the beachy living room in the St Louis town house I couldn’t resist putting up in your sunny entrance way…but lets face it it is a pretty weird message to greet people when they come in … so it is destined not to stay there.

I really like the looked though so maybe I need to come up with another more appropriate message … not “welcome” , that is too obvious…anyone have any ideas? ( help me out..I have a poll on what to do next HERE)
Love from
Creative in Chicago
Oh my, this is stringtabulous. I may need to be making one of my own. And, since I live on an island, I'd be totally fine if you just want to send yours to me, it would great my guests perfectly!!! 😉 So awesome!!
Thanks Karah …so jealous of you living on an island. How are you coming along with your one nail gallery. I am intrigued!
Look at THAT!
You did the negative space (is that what it's called?)
Okay, that's super creative.
Off to pin!
(And, congrats on finishing your project. I need to stop reading and pinning and get to work!)
~ Dana
Cooking at Cafe D
Ok, get on the first flight to NJ and make one for me! It turned out fantastic!! So happy you are linking up to our big party on Tuesday! Congrats!!
Absolutely STUNNING! I love the rustic look, and your carolers are adorable! I'm hosting the Christmas Tree theme of a Blogging Around the Christmas Tree linky party, and would love to have you stop by and share your tree!Oh, and I'm your newest follower! : )Cheers!~Abbie (wv.ofivedaysfiweways.cwm)
Negative space rocks!
Is it sunny and warm in NJ?…maybe I'd be up for it if it is!
Wow that's such a great idea! Nice job!
It looks great! You should definitely make another one for that space if you're going to take that one to St Louis – love it.
I agree Lizzie..but I don't know what words to use!
Wow! I really like how it turned out! The brilliance of your "impossible" is the negative space in the string art! Well done my Chicago friend!
AWESOME…if this isn't a show stopper I don't know what is!!!!! FAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAABULOUS job!!!! WELL DONE! i think we are going to see this in the land of pinterest everywhere!!! hugs…
Yep , gonna pin it – this is amazing, I love it !
That's fantastic – how creative you are! I would never imagine making something like that. What about "Bienvenue" for your next project? It does mean Welcome, but the Frenchiness makes it a bit different. You could do graded red,white and blue like the French flag!
Well done on your gorgeous creation
Wonderful job! I love the colors it turned out great.
Wow! How amazing and original. How about "wind & snow" for the Chicago house? or "the lake effect" … or "hot & cold" or "summer & winter" (you know, because we really only have two seasons …
So glad you played along with us on this impossibilities challenge!
oooh now there is an idea. Maybe I should embrace my Welsh heritage and have something in Cymraeg (that means welsh!)
I love the Lake Effect idea …bad hair day would be another good one … for me and my mop anyway!
Enjoyed the challenge!
I lurve it!! I want (I mean need) one of those! Maybe your next one could say something like Est (and the year you moved there or were married). So glad you joined our Impossibilities Challenge!
I just blankly stare every time I see this. ABSOLUTELY LOVE IT!! 🙂
Thank you so much for joining the challenge!
This is amazing! Great job! Thanks for sharing your "impossibility"! <3 from your newest follower and fellow {brand-new} blogger! Check out my "impossibility" and follow back!
Very cool and inspiring!
That is way too awesome!
Great job! Definitely pinning this. 🙂
What about "please remove your shoes" (or you could put sandals) or "wipe your feet"
Wanted to tell you that I saw this pinned on a few of my friends' boards on Pinterest… as in, YOUR photos pinned! Be excited! 🙂
What a refressing ideal! I think colors black & white would be cool and maybe just leave a square opening with a black framed old black and white picture of someone or something dear to your heart, and make the string go back and forth with nails all around the frame.It just opens the door to some many ways, such a great piece of art! Thanks for sharing. 🙂
You should make one for your highest-priority core life value. Ex. "Honesty" or "Sincerity" or "Humility" or "Serenity" or "Harmony"
How about some sort of short inspirational phrase … "Dream Big Things" or "Live Love Laugh" or something like that? Looks wonderful!
Thanks so much for letting me know. I am becoming a bit of a Pinterest addict!
Does it have to be words? How about some kind of image, like a dove or a tree or something?
yes it could be some sort of a silhouette ..good idea!
i have made one … thx i luv itttt
I'd love to see it!
Just love it! Could you do a short tutorial? Like haw far apart the nails are, etc.
this is lovely, what a fab idea!
This is fabulous! I've seen just letters made this way, but never the background too. Love it 🙂
Hi Judy,
I actually wrote a post on how I made this here
Hope that help
I just stumbled upon this and I love it! Thanks for the idea and great work! I'm subscribing to your blog now 🙂
This is so fresh and delicate. I love it for my beach bathroom (in progress, always). I'm subscribing to your blog now. Keep up the great work! Laura
I am thinking this would be cool reworded as a Christmas greeting banner…uum food for thought!
How did you hang this on the wall?
How did you hang yours?
A couple of mails on the back of the board with a heavyweight string tied between them …then a simple hook on the wall
i love this piece! i've highlighted this in my "inspired" series here: http://www.simplicity-interrupted.com/2013/02/inspired-string-art.html
i love this piece! i've highlighted this in my "inspired" series here: http://www.simplicity-interrupted.com/2013/02/inspired-string-art.html
Lovely idea, how about a rustic piece of drift wood with string art?
I just made a string art of my own
What about "Hello there" for an entranceway? That could be cute.