Gardening , yard work, whatever you like to call it, for me it is not a chore. Instead getting down on my hands and knees, pulling weeds and tending to seedlings is a refuge from everyday life. There is nothing like getting mud, or dirt, under your finger nails to ground you!
Now as we all know 2020 has been an odd year and my garden reflects this. It is still in it’s infancy – it takes ages to achieve that established look. My garden center had little to offer in terms of plants but that’s OK, you work with what you have. I planted seeds collected from previous years and crossed my fingers that something would come of them. A fellow gardening friend also kindly gave me some plants. All was not lost!

And from one pastime to another. I have still been really engrossed in designing fabric patterns and a lot of my inspiration come from nature. Every week I have been entering the Spoonflower design challenge and this week the prompt is Sports and Leisure. Naturally gardening came to mind and this is what I came up with.

The design is fabulous as a mask – ideal for gardening lovers or employees of a garden or landscaping business.
So if you are a gardener like me and like to have a little fun with your masks